Sunday, February 19, 2012

killer rooster

A while back a friend and I swapped roosters , she had 3 hens and a rooster that were brother and siters. I had three hens and rooster that were also brother and sister. All gold lace wyndotte. Made sense to swap so we could still hatch 'purebreed' chicks. I use the term purebreed fairly loosely as our gwd were hatched from eggs we purchased on trademe and our friends gwd's were given to her by a kind chap who works at sheepworld. All went well she hatched out 9 chicks , we never hatched any as Nev decided he doesn't like gwds and wants to breed barnavalders instead. The friend had told me my rooster , the one living at her house had been attacking people and would I like to swap back, no reason not to, she had finished breeding and we were not going to breed anyway. Sunday we swapped roosters. Monday morning the boys and I decided to back some chocolate brownies for kindy, we needed two eggs of to the chicken house we went. We all went through the gate together as we always do 1 min later Charlie runs towards me with a rooster flying onto his back scratching him I give the rooster a good kick and he backs of, we retrive our eggs and head for the gate, at which point rooster flys at Finley to attack him. Needless to say we will not be keeping rooster at our farm and Nev has strict instuctions to bop him on the head when he gets home. The boys were not doing anything to provoke the rooster he is just horrible. The rooster managed to draw blood on both Finley and Charlie.
So thats it bye bye rooster no second chance after that.

The ducks are very happy , just trying to figure out who's a boy and who's a girl at the moment. I'm thinking we have three boys and one girls. The boys quack and the girls squeak and there seems to be a whole lot of quaking going on out there.

Another big change this week  came about after a small accidental purchase on my part. I found an auction on Trademe for 50 fejioa trees for $50, the trees were all around one mtr tall so it was a pretty good deal. The only down side to the auction was the fact that the trees needed to be dug up from the property within two days. Young Nev arrived from his relaxing boys fishing weekend to the news that he had a small job to do. We hired the trailer wednesday night and drove around to my mums place where two of her houseguests had volunteered to help out. The men set of to dig up the trees and the boys and I had a nice relaxing meal at nannas place. We have hedged two sides of our yard with the trees and it looks great. We need to keep them well watered and hopefully they all live. We will finish the hedge with some other trees along the front of the yard, because we really don't need more fejioa trees then we all ready have.

Last update is that we have a green house . My Nanna and grand dad have decided to get rid of their green house so we picked that up on saturday. Very exciting but I imagine we won't get the time to put that up for a while as the project that needs to happen before that is sheep yards so we can shear our sheep again before the get dirty bottoms. The last time they were sheared involved moving them all to another property and was a bit of a nightmare so it will be great to be able to do that at home.

Another eventful week on the farm . I'm sure it will slow down soon, certainly after a few more years we won't have this many things to do all the time , surely. Eventually this farm will start paying us back a bit more .....

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