Sunday, May 1, 2011

Rainy days

Yep it's pretty grim at the farm. We haven't been outside in many days as it is too windy and rainy for the young men. The gas bottles ran out on friday which is pretty good, they do all of our hot water and the hob on the oven they have lasted well at almost 8 months. The power has been pretty good during the storm, there were multiple cuts on sunday but none of them lasted more than five minutes so I was happy. I did however pop a torch in my pocket just incase after it got dark.

We have all been sick over the last week as well with yet another tummy bug doing the family. That would be our third or fourth stomach bug this year. I am happy to report everyone is better now so we will be able to get back into our routine now that those pesky school holidays have finished.

Neville has taken on a cleaning contract so will now be doing 12hr days, 8 hours work, 2 hours cleaning and about 45mins each way on the commute. Poor boy I think winter will be tough for him as he certainly won't be seeing much daylight.


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