Hmm still not quite getting here once a week but i have many an excuse , we shall just call it a christmas break .
We have been a busy house with husband and friend building a deck . dream of dream so nice to be able to let the boys outside without them returning covered in clay. It's been hard however with husband on deck duties all day and all night. Arghh lone evening shift with kidlets is hard work. Has been worth it Deck was almost finished in time for new years eve gathering . Charlies happy face crawling outside for the first time ever was just priceless.
Both boys have had the chicken pox lucky us. I cant' complain about it's effect on them Charlie had a knee's worth. Fin had slightly more but didn't really seem to bothered and didn't itch at all so that's great. The only negative with chicken pox is that I don't know any one close by who would like their children to have it OK rephrase i probably don't know anyone at all that would like me to knowingly infect their children so there has been a fair bit of staying home going on. Which I may have mentioned is not my strong point. When we are at home the first day is normally fine but the second or third the kids and I are bored. They misbehave because their bored and my temper is short because I am bored. I wonder if I am the only stay at home mum looking forward to the end of the school holidays ?? I imagine not . It will just be nice to get back into routine. Fin asks where we are going each day and when i ask where do you want to go he will say play centre or the playgroup house.
There Deck, Chicken pox, oh and i was going to talk about one last thing so as not to ramble of on to many subjects GOATS. Billy and Jean came home with us on the 3rd. Original plan was for them to move in on boxing day how ever they had other ideas. Billy and Jean decided the bottle was not for them so ended up staying with a nanny goat for a little bit longer. They are pretty tame and happy to come up when people are near. Jean has escaped once so far and that was to follow Finley, Izzy and myself into the paddock. I 'm sure it won't be the last escape but at the moment it's not really a big problem. If they start eating my garden however we may have to rethink things. Billy will be a curry goat apparently 6months is a good time. Jean will be a nanny goat apparently you need to wait till she is 12monthes to kid her and then start milking. So there we are Goats, admittedly milk is about 10monthes away but hey we are on our way at least. Self sufficiency here we come
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